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Please see below details of TeamBath's Junior trials, summer training and Mini-netters coaching programmes.
TRIALS - U12s thru' U16s (current Yrs 5 thru' 10) only
You are invited to register for Round 1 of trials by completing the online form at the link provided below.
Should numbers be greater than can be safely accommodated it may be necessary to conduct a paper sift prior to the session.
Attendance at Round 2 of trials will be by invitation only
There will be a charge of £20 to attend trials
Round 1
U16s: (Yr 10/11 in Sept 25)        Wednesday 23rd April - 4.30pm to 7.30pm - Bath Uni Sports Training Village (STV)
U12s: (Yrs 6/7 in Sept 25)          Sunday 27th April - 9.30am to 12pm - Bath Uni Founders Hall (FH)
U14s: (Yrs 8/9 in Sept 25)          Sunday 27th April - 12.30pm to 4pm - Bath Uni Founders Hall (FH)
Round 2
Attendance is by invitation only
U14s: (Yrs 8/9 in Sept 25)          Wednesday 30th April - 4.30pm to 7.30pm - Bath Uni Sports Training Village (STV)
U12s: (Yrs 6/7 in Sept 25)          Saturday 3rd May - 10.30am to 1pm - Bath Uni Founders Hall (FH)
U16s: (Yr 10/11 in Sept 25)        Saturday 3rd May - 1.30pm to 5pm - Bath Uni Founders Hall (FH)
TRAINING - PRE-SEASON (May / June 2025)
On selection to a competition squad players will be invited to attend pre-season training as shown below.
There will be a charge of £56 to attend pre-season training (7 sessions), payable in advance.
U12s:    Wednesdays 7th, 14th, 21st May, 4th, 11th, 18th June  6pm to 7.30pm - Bath Uni STV
              Wednesday 25th June - 6pm to 7.30pm - Bath Uni STV outdoors
U14s:    Wednesdays 7th, 14th, 21st May, 4th, 11th, 18th June  4.30pm to 6pm - Bath Uni STV
              Wednesday 25th June - 4.30pm to 6pm - Bath Uni FH
U16s:    Wednesdays 7th, 14th, 21st May, 4th, 11th, 18th June  6pm to 7.30pm - Bath Uni STV
              Wednesday 25th June - 6pm to 7.30pm - Bath Uni FH
There will be no training on 28th May for half-term
SUMMER TRAINING (May / June 2025)
Those players who prefer not to trial and those not selected for a competition squad will be invited to attend summer training as shown below.
There will be a charge of £8 per week payable on a "pay and play" basis.
U12s:                     Thursdays 8th, 15th, 22nd May - 6pm to 7pm at Bath Uni STV
(Yrs 6&7)               Thursdays 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th June - 6pm to 7.15pm at Bath Uni STV
U14s/U16s:           Thursdays 8th,15th, 22nd May - 7pm to 8pm at Bath Uni STV
 (Yrs 8 thru 11)      Thursdays 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th June - 7.15pm to 8.30pn at Bath Uni STV
There will be no training on 29th May for half-term
Further to its success in 24/25 we will be continuing our Mini-netters programme from 7th May 25 to 18th June 25.
There will be no training on 28th May for half-term.
Looking forward to the 25/26 season these sessions are open to anyone currently in Yrs 3 or 4 (Yrs 4 or 5 from Sept 25).
There are no trials required to attend - places will be offered on a 'first come first served' basis
Yrs 4 & 5:  (from Sept 25)       we have 24 places available on Wednesdays 6pm to 7pm at Bath Uni FH
There will be a charge of £36 for the 6 sessions 7th May to 18th June 
If you would like to register your daughter(s) for any of the sessions detailed above please complete the on-line form at this link
The deadline for registration is 23.59hrs on Monday 31st March
For further information about the competitive season 25/26 (Sept thru' April) please contact us at [email protected]
We hope to publish our senior section trials dates and pre-season training information shortly
To be placed on a mailing list please contact us at [email protected]
We look forward to hearing from you




If you would like to help us with our fundraising ideas please
follow the link below


TeamBath Netball Club is a thriving and dynamic club that has been competing in the South West for over 40 years

If you are looking to join the club either at senior or junior level you will find all the information you need to make that decision on our ‘About Us’ and ‘Membership’ pages. 

To register your interest please contact ENQUIRIES to obtain further information - please give us a few details about yourself and netball experience including preferred playing positions, and all juniors please include your date of birth, school attended, and telephone number and address.

If you are a current member the web site is intended to provide you with all the information you need for the current season on our ‘Fixtures’, ‘News’ and ‘Diary’ pages, as well as results and current tables on our 'Results' and 'Tables' pages.

You are invited to browse the web site - if you cannot find what you're looking for or want further information please contact us at ENQUIRIES


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TBNC is a Silver CAPS Accredited Club fully aligned to the Sport England Clubmark accreditation scheme - for more information click here



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Sports Massage Therapy
by S R Total Coaching

Dates for your diary


Superleague News

Results, tables and the latest news are available here

England News

Netball News
To catch up with all the latest news from England Netball please click here