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Fundraising Information

Club finances are under constant pressure due to the requirement to use other training venues and the increasing costs of our competition venues etc so it is essential that we continue with our fundraising activities.


The 2017 AGM voted in two fundraising ideas -

1.  Christmas Raffle - tickets for the Christmas Raffle are in the process of being issued to all players and officials.  We are asking you to sell 10 tickets to family and friends in the hope that each can afford to buy one ticket.  Additional tickets are available if required - please let Lesley Robbins know at the club email.

All ticket stubs and monies collected should be returned to Lesley Robbins by 15th November 2017.

The draw will take place at the Senior Christmas Social event now arranged for Saturday 18th November 2017 at The Locksbrook Inn, Bath.


2.  Last One Standing - this is a popular game normally played around the football premier division but we have devised a version to played around the netball Superleague.  For a small stake you try to predict the outcome of a particular match - if you are correct you stay in the competition for the following week, if you are wrong then you are out of the competition.  The winner is the person 'left standing' or those remaining at the end of the league. 

Invitations to participate and further information will published nearer the time.





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Superleague News

Results, tables and the latest news are available here

England News

Netball News
To catch up with all the latest news from England Netball please click here