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Personal Fitness

If you are keen to improve your Netball Fitness on your own at home, extra to that done at Club training, England Netball have just the thing.

They have introduced a section on Health and Fitness, currently showing techniques to improve your core strength.

A 'strong core' not only helps prevent injury (most likely to your back, hips and knees), it will also improve your skills and technique.

The videos show advanced techniques but easier versions are also documented.

So, if you are just starting out, particularly if you are a junior, please be sure to start with the easier version of each technique, and build up slowly.  Start with a couple of times a week, do each technique on the floor with a few repetitions until you can do them easily. To achieve better results increase the repetitions and/or the frequency each week.

And don't forget to warm up and cool down properly.

However, please take it slowly - we don't want any pulled stomach muscles!!

To view the exercises on the EN web site please click here.


Sports Massage Therapy
by S R Total Coaching

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