This form will be used as the Registration Form for trials in June/July 2020 and the Club Membership Form for the 2020/2021 season.
By completing this form and in the absence of a signature you are agreeing to the following:-
1. To pay all joining and membership fees as agreed with the Club Treasurer and by the end of the season 2. To adhere to all the club Codes of Conduct - to view please click here 3. Declare that all the information disclosed is accurate 4. Give permission for first aid to be administered by a qualified first aider if necessary 5. Give permission for photos and video to be taken at training and matches for the purpose of advertising the club on relevant websites and newsletters. If you do not give permission please tick the box at the bottom of the page. 6. Give permission for photos and video to be taken at matches in accordance with the Avon regulations stated above. If you do not give permission please tick the box at the bottom of the page.
U18 Avon Photography/Video regulations Schools commonly require photographic and/or filmed evidence for the purposes of GCSE and A level qualifications. Avon have therefore introduced more stingent rules concerning the photography/filming of children under the age of 18. Consent for photography and/or video may only be given to personnel having completed the appropriate form. The form must be obtained and submitted to both the Senior League Secretary (Julie Dyer) whereupon consent may be given to the named person only. Upon completion of the form, a consent card will be issued to the named person. This card must be on the person at all matches where they wish to gather evidence and must be produced when challenged by match officials. Failure to do so will result in photo/video evidence being prohibited on that day. Under no circumstance will photography / video be allowed without prior consent of the opposing team managers and parents of U18 players. Please do not use images of young players on publicity material or web sites without the consent of the Avon Netball League.
To download a copy of the form please click here
GDPR - By completing this form you are consenting to TBNC storing your details for the duration of your membership of the club. Your details will only be shared by appropriate members of the club ie: Safeguarding officer in the event of a Safeguarding issue, your coach for contact, illness or injury information and emergency contact sheets, the Club Admin Officer for contact information and other appropriate organisations eg: EN for affiliation purposes, and Bath University for facility access puropses. At the end of your club membership all personal information will be deleted. If you have any objections please raise them with the club secretary - [email protected] |
TBNC Senior Application Form - Notes for completion
Senior trials are open to all aged 16+ (Yr 12+) and identified U16s who would normally be part of the performance pathway eg: TB NPL U15 or U17 hubs.
With 8 squads to select trials are split into two groups to give everyone the best opportunity - Tuesdays for our Nat Prem and SW Regional squads aimed at elite and high performance athletes, and Wednesdays for our Avon squads aimed at performance athletes at Div 1 through to more social, but highly competitive, netball at Div 7.
Players should attend all trials dates for their chosen group if at all possible - please complete all the relevant boxes for dates you are able to attend. If you would like to be included in both sets of trials please complete these boxes too.
Fields identified with * must be completed.
If you have any questions about how to fill in the form please email us at [email protected]
Senior Section Registration/Membership Form
To complete the form please click here